Demon Slayer no Yaiba(season 4) Episode_8

Demon Slayer no Yaiba Episode_8:

Demon Slayer no Yaiba (season 4) Episode _8
why do I feel like | forgot something.

Demon Slayer has adhered to a strictly linear plot thus far. Every episode begins where the last one left off, sometimes even a few seconds earlier for background. That's why we were hurled back out onto that busy street, Kibutsuji, and his family slowly making their way away, and the unknown man transformed into a demon. Did you find the speed at which the transition occurred as surprising as I did? Indeed, I was. I began to question why he didn't just transform everyone into a monster. Then it occurred to me that he would not want to create competition for his food source. That scenario was quite unsettling... It almost begs the question of what Nezuko's transition was like. That is a terrible idea, to be sure.
Demon Slayer no Yaiba (season 4) Episode _8
Let's just not think about it.

The police were summoned, as I had anticipated, but Tanjiro was able to avoid difficulty by being a youngster and receiving some assistance from an unexpected source. Even still, it was fortunate that Tanjiro avoided being sent to jail; after all, who could have provided bail for him? Poor Nezuko would have been placed on the stand by herself. You were right to forecast that! It doesn't seem like you are reading the scripts beforehand. Could you share if you are? Tanjiro must undoubtedly remember his obligations. He won't be able to identify some types of danger at all because this metropolis is a whole new world to him! Of course, hahaha that's over there, what is it?
Demon Slayer no Yaiba (season 4) Episode _8
You did not see anything!

A mystery demon posing as a doctor and her youthful companion picked up the wounded wife and the recently changed demon male. I didn't completely understand her blood scent hallucinogenic power, and it felt a little forced to me. I was skeptical since their presence looked a little too convenient. How did you feel about Yushiro and Tamayo? I don't remember ever seeing a pheromone power based on blood before. I think it's conceivable because ants and other organisms communicate by pheromones, even across great distances. Regarding the coincidence of their presence there? A small part of me wants to sarcastically blame Karandi for heightening our awareness of that type of thing! Section.
Demon Slayer no Yaiba (season 4) Episode _8
how am | supposed to feel about this | oh right_ terrified!

Folks, this was only the beginning. Meanwhile, Kibutsuji merely left with a composed demeanor. I think I'm going to say this in every episode, but I truly love the way he delivers the message. I did some research and Toshihiko Seki plays him. Regretfully, I haven't seen him much aside from his role as Senketsu in Kill la Kill, and I don't really recall it. He's killing it in here, for sure! Ha!
There, I see what you did! A decent spouse and father are almost automatically associated with being a nice man. Kibutsuji is clearly devoted to his human wife and daughter even from a young age. compassionate and cautious to keep children safe. Additionally.

Can we briefly discuss his meeting with the drunks? Kibutsuji attempted not to lose his cool and even apologized when the intoxicated man stumbled into him and became enraged! But the inebriated man pushed his luck, and the devil gave him such a severe backhand that the blow to the surface killed him. He used even more severe methods to kill the second man, who turned out to be the deceased man's elder brother.
Demon Slayer no Yaiba (season 4) Episode _8
This is a responsible reaction.

However, what about the unfortunate girl? How did he kill her? I saw the episode a few hours ago, and I'm having trouble recalling any other anime I've watched that has such horrible and cruel slaughter. Enraged, Kibutsuji murdered the first two. When he killed the unfortunate girl, he was frigid as ice. That struck me as one of those moments when I realized we weren't in Kansas anymore. One of the most deadly kinds of wicked people is Kibutsuji because he has strong emotional self-control. We could be veering toward "unknowable" evil, in my opinion. For him, taking a life is just a normal reaction, and executing it in such a brutal way is only a means to add a little flavor. similar to choosing a breakfast sandwich over a pastry.

Demon Slayer no Yaiba(season 4) Episode_8

Furthermore, it appears that he has made the decision to pursue Tanjiro. Naturally, not directly, but he dispatched a few hench demons. Does Kibutsuji appear a little uncomfortable with Tanjrou's presence, or is it just me? Why? He believes that he shouldn't be too afraid. Perhaps not from Tanjiro, but do you recall the other demon hunter's flashback? The one wearing Tanjiro's identical earrings? It appears that he is using his flash earrings for more than just adornment!

I have to admit that attracted my interest. I'm happy you came. Tanjirou returns to fetch Nezuko, and I'm relieved to find that the udon issue has been resolved. It's one thing to witness loved ones cruelly slaughtered and families torn apart, but waste udon that looks so good... You know what I mean? The proprietor of the wretched stand was inconsolable! That Tanjiro had two helpings made me extremely happy. Both appeared just as stunning as the first.

Demon Slayer no Yaiba(season 4) Episode_8
yes, they did!

At this point, Yushiro reappears in the siblings' lives and guides them to Tamayo's residence and clinic (?). I thought it was great how Tanjirou leaped to protect his sister's honor! It was wrong of Yushiro to treat Nezujo disrespectfully. Come on, I mean! Indeed, Yushiro provides a really excellent counterpoint to Tanjirou's somewhat bland personality. Their small rivalry is endearing, and I believe it highlights a much more lighthearted side of our main character. How did you feel? I concur. Even yet, I will always be resentful of the way he talked about Nezuko. <whimpering> "Eyesore?" What a moron </muttering>
Demon Slayer no Yaiba(season 4) Episode_8
No way is she an every sore | not on your life,

Tamayo provides us with some much-needed explanation at last. It appears that Kibutsuji turned her over twenty years ago, just like almost every other demon. She has since altered her body to subsist only on small quantities of blood provided by people. She also saved Yushiro's life by turning him into a demon, but she has never been able to transform anybody else. The youngster is therefore, let's say, "devoted" to her to the point of fanaticism. Tamayo is searching for a means to lift the demon curse with great desperation. which Tanjiro will be happy to hear. To create a remedy, though, she must examine several types of demon blood, which can be difficult to get.

I believe that what we just witnessed was the birth of a quest-style storyline! Sincerely, I believe it's a fantastic approach to highlight his story. I'm not sure how it will work with the assignments that his Kasugai Crow is assigned. And I don't see how he's going to achieve if his goal in Tokyo was to demolish Kibutsuji. Nevertheless, I believe that the agreement benefits both parties. And why didn't Tanjiro seize the opportunity to alter Nezuko's physique to make her less likely to be enticed to kill people? To bring her closer to Tamayo? If only he could get her to talk again, I believe he should seize the opportunity! Or am I overlooking something?
Demon Slayer no Yaiba(season 4) Episode_8
No, nothing

You know, the more monsters we encounter, the more I come to believe that Nezuko's speechlessness is unnecessary. She can quickly remove that bite from her mouth when she has to speak. I couldn't help but fear that Tamayo had suffered brain damage when she said that "something" had to have occurred to her during the two years she was hibernating. That explains why, despite previously being a fully formed female, she is now acting like a tiny animal or infant. That would be awful, isn't it? She responded to Tanjiro petting her cheek in a charming way that verged on kitten or puppy cute, so clearly something was wrong. It wasn't a human sister's response. Additionally, how she just.

Demon Slayer no Yaiba(season 4) Episode_8
indisputably cute
The comparison between vampires and demons was further cemented by this scenario. Monster attributes appear to be being combined to create the ultimate horror. I have nothing against it. Howling meets the Lost Boys? Or perhaps The London Werewolf? There were none of the thrilling action sequences that made us enthralled with Demon Slayer in this somewhat subdued episode. Naturally, it will all change in the following episode when, in the closing seconds, Kibutsuji's goons discover them all at Tamayo's house and prepare to eliminate several slayers who wear earrings.

When we finally get a decent look at these two, I'm loving the design once again. The gaudy explosion of colors and sharp lines truly helps to create unusual-looking yet unsettling villains. Did you enjoy how they seemed at first? The girl positively reminded me of Claire from Claymore. They appeared to be enjoying their wicked appearance. Another great touch was the tension of expectations between the rather bouncy balls and their catastrophic effect on the home.

Demon Slayer no Yaiba(season 4) Episode_8
I really like the colorful bouncy ball

Final thoughts? Forecasts? Fears. I'm afraid our suspicion regarding Nezujo's mental condition is accurate. That might make for an intriguing narrative, but it would be another painful blow to Nezuko's destiny! While things are bleak, there is hope. Tanjiro is at last supported by strong allies and may possibly have a shot at recovery. If he makes it through the upcoming episode, that is HERE.

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